About Us
Who We Are A little about us
Our Motto: Elevate your feel good!
Baobab Springs is the meshing of different ideas, connections, inspirations and life experiences coming to exist in one place.
Baobab Springs sprung from wanting to make healthy lifestyle changes. Starting the search to make small lifestyle changes, I discovered the documentary Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. Confession, I was consuming a meal from the Golden Arches while watching this health documentary. Why? Because it was convenient.
The transformation of the two main characters was awe-inspiring. I was inspired to go out and purchase a juicer. That weekend, I convinced my husband to juice with me. It was challenging, because we had to be more conscious of what we were eating. It was time consuming, we had to prepare our meals from scratch. We stuck to the plan and the results were amazing. We gained mental clarity, less mental fog, physical lightness, a ton of energy and a zest for life. It wasn’t that life was zestless. It was becoming mundane.
I decided that I needed to pass on these feel good moments on to others, by making cold press juices convenient and accessible. Whether you are just relaxing, daydreaming or embarking on a life changing journey, Baobab Springs want to be there with you.
Let’s stay connected

Our Commitment We promise the best quality

Locally Sourced Produce

Locally Coldpressed Juice